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Trying to use db_engine.configure_database([User])
Trying to use db_engine.configure_database([User]) but as we need to await it, it cannot be directly run without any async function declared and called. Do you need to create a factory for this?
This is my code:
from config.settings import DB
from logger import logging
from odmantic import AIOEngine
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from odmantic.session import AIOSession
from models.user import User
db_client = AsyncIOMotorClient(
if (DB.user and DB.pass_)
else f"mongodb://{DB.host}:{DB.port}"
db_engine = AIOEngine(database=DB.name, client=db_client)
await db_engine.configure_database([User])
Managed to use it with below code:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
if loop and loop.is_running():
tsk = loop.create_task(db_engine.configure_database([User]))
lambda t: print(f"Task done with result={t.result()} << return val of main()")
But is this the correct approach or any other way is supposed to be used?