jquery-mobile-datepicker-wrapper copied to clipboard
datepicker demo - is this what it's supposed to look like?
I'm looking at using the wrapper, but am wondering if this is what the end-result is meant to look like?
This is a screenshot from the demo page (http://jsbin.com/uzaret/1375/edit) viewed in Chrome:
Looks right to me - it's got an example of the inline widget and the popup one :+1:
Ah. I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. It honestly looks like it's not rendered properly (like there's missing CSS or something), by which I mean it's not as 'pretty' as its non-mobile equivalent (viz http://jqueryui.com/datepicker/).
@olliecook whatever your looking at is not the actual demos page and is not correct http://rawgit.com/arschmitz/jquery-mobile-datepicker-wrapper/master/index.html is the actual demo i will update the readme accordingly. It is styled similar to the jquery ui one you reference just using the mobile theme
Wonderful! Thank you, that looks much more like what I would have expected.
@olliecook for now the page i linked to is just the index page in this repo you can use that for usage refrence