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Arquillian Database / Persistence Extension
= Arquillian Persistence Extension :asciidoctor-source: :numbered: :sectlink: :sectanchors: :sectid: :source-language: java :source-highlighter: coderay :sectnums: :icons: font :toc: left
image:["Build Status", link=""]
ifndef::generated-doc[] To read complete documentation visit endif::generated-doc[]
== Overview
[[what-is-this]] === What Is This?
Arquillian Persistence Extension was created to help you write tests where persistence layer is involved. Inspired by great framework called[Unitils], it brings a bunch of annotations to help you deal with the underlying data storage.
It comes with following features:
- Wrapping each test in the separated transaction (with commit (default) or rollback at the end).
- Seeding database using: **[DBUnit] with XML, XLS, YAML and JSON supported as data sets format. ** Custom SQL scripts.
- Comparing database state at the end of the test using given data sets (with column exclusion).
- Eviction JPA second level cache between test method invocation, see
[[containers-used-for-testing]] === Containers Used For Testing
- Glassfish 3.1.2 Embedded
- JBoss AS 7.0.2 Final (managed)
- JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final (managed)
- Wildfly 8.1
[[verified-with-following-databases]] === Verified With Following Databases
- MS SQL 2008 Express (with Microsoft JDBC Driver)
- MySQL 5.5.24
- PostgreSQL 9.1.4
- Oracle 11g
- Derby
Enough talking, let's see it in action!
[[code-example]] === Code Example
@RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class UserPersistenceTest {
@Deployment public static Archive<?> createDeploymentPackage() { return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar") .addPackage(UserAccount.class.getPackage()) .addPackages(true, "org.fest") // FEST Assert is not part of Arquillian .addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml") .addAsManifestResource("test-persistence.xml", "persistence.xml"); }
@PersistenceContext EntityManager em;
@Test @UsingDataSet("datasets/users.yml") @ShouldMatchDataSet("datasets/expected-users.yml") public void should_change_user_password() throws Exception { // given String expectedPassword = "LexLuthor"; UserAccount user = em.find(UserAccount.class, 2L);
// when
// then
} }
There are just two things which are different from the standard
Arquillian test - @UsingDataSet
and @ShouldMatchDataSet
Former seeds the database using file in YAML format, and latter verifies
database state using given file.
This example is taken from integration tests written for this project, so feel free to have a closer look.
But it's that easy! And there's more to come!
If you have any questions or would like to file feature request or bug report (hope not!) please have a look at[the ways how you can get in touch with us].
ifdef::generated-doc[] [[guide]] == Guide
include::{asciidoctor-source}/maven-setup.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/transactional-tests.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/seeding-database.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/verifying-database-content.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/data-insert-strategies.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/cleaning-your-data.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/additional-configuration.adoc[]