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Curated Collection of Ethereum Ecosystem Resources

Library of Ethereum

Curated Collection of Ethereum Ecosystem Resources


  • If you want anything to be added you can create an issue
  • Alternatively, you can fork the repo, edit it and make a PR.

Table of Contents

  • Smart Contracts
  • DeFi
  • Security
  • Layer 2
  • EVM
  • MEV
  • Cryptography
  • ZKPs
  • Misc
    • Oracles
    • Sharding
    • Governance
    • Audit Checklists
    • Diagrams
    • Special Mentions

Smart Contracts



  • Vyper Docs - Official Vyper Docs
  • Vyper - Official Vyper Repo
  • Snekmate - State-of-the-art, highly opinionated, hyper-optimised, and secure Vyper smart contract building blocks.
  • Vyper Dev - Vyper resources


  • Cairo Docs - Official Cairo Docs
  • Cairo - Officila Cairo Repo
  • Cairo Contracts - A library for secure smart contract development written in Cairo for StarkNet
  • Cairo 101 - Get started with Cairo with this simple tutorial. Complete the puzzles/exercises, get tokens and learn about StarkNet smart contracts!
  • Cairo Goldmine - A Comprehensive, Annotated List of Repositories of the Starknet Ecosystem.
  • Cairo Open - A set of libraries to help using Cairo on StarkNet.



  • Awesome Ethereum Security - A curated list of awesome Ethereum security references, guidance, tools, and more.
  • Simple Security Toolkit - This repo is a collection of practical security-focused guides and checklists for smart contract development, assembled by the Nascent team to share with our portfolio companies and others in the ecosystem who might find it useful.
  • Ethereum Security Toolbox - This repository contains scripts to create a Docker container preinstalled and preconfigured with all of Trail of Bits’ Ethereum security tools
  • Solidity Security Blog
  • Awesome Cryptocurrency Security - Curated list about cryptocurrency security. (reverse, exploit, fuzz)
  • Awesome web3 Security - A curated list of web3 Security materials and resources For Pentesters and Bug Hunters.

Layer 2


  • EVM Book - A collection of EVM related information
  • EVMONE - evmone is a C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
  • SputnikVM - Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine Implementation
  • EVM Tools - A collection of tools for working with the evm
  • EVM Opcodes - This is intended to be an accessible reference, but it is informal and does not address opcode semantics
  • Enclave EVM - Enclave EVM (eEVM) is an open-source, standalone, embeddable, C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • EVM Puzzles - A collection of EVM puzzles
  • rEVM - Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine with great name that is focused on speed and simplicity
  • EVM Lab - This package contains various tools to interact with the Ethereum virtual machine
  • EVM Codes - An interactive reference to Ethereum Virtual Machine Opcodes
  • Pyevmasm - pyevmasm is an assembler and disassembler library for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
  • EVM Toolkit - ETK is a collection of tools for writing, reading, and analyzing EVM bytecode.
  • EVModin - Fast EVM implementation with support for resumability. Port of evmone to Rust.
  • SolVM - A (slightly) stripped down version of the EVM implemented on top of the EVM using yul and solidity.
  • Go EVMLab - This project is inspired by EVMlab, which was written in Python
  • EVM Draw Contract - This draws each byte of bycode in an EVM contract, allowing you to get a quick overview of the shape of a smart contract
  • The EVM Handbook - A curated list of EVM resources for aspiring shadowy super coders.



  • Awesome Cryptography - A curated list of cryptography resources and links
  • Practical Cryptography for Developers - Practical Cryptography for Developers: Hashes, MAC, Key Derivation, DHKE, Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers, Public Key Cryptosystems, RSA, Elliptic Curves, ECC, secp256k1, ECDH, ECIES, Digital Signatures, ECDSA, EdDSA
  • Cryptography - An intensive introduction to cryptography
  • ETH Crypto - Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials on how to use them together with web3js and solidity
  • Awesome Secure Computation - This repo is a paper summary for cryptography-based secure computation papers, including topics like Multiparty Computation, Homomorphic Encryption (or Lattice) and Differential Privacy
  • Ethereum Cryptography - Every cryptographic primitive needed to work on Ethereum, for the browser and Node.js
  • Intuitive Advanced Cryptography - Intuitive Advanced Cryptography PDF
  • Cryptography - Guide to cryptography


  • Awesome ZKPs - A curated list of awesome things related to learning Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP)
  • OpenZKP - OpenZKP - pure Rust implementations of Zero-Knowledge Proof systems
  • ZKP Learning in public - ZKP resources
  • Learning ZKP - Articles, codes and tools all about zero-knowledge proofs
  • Awesome ZK - A curated list of awesome ZK resources, libraries, tools and more
  • Awesoem zkEVM - A curated list of awesome zkEVM resources, libraries, tools and more
  • Ingopedia - A curated list of ZK resources and links.
  • ZK Knowledge - Knowledge base of ZKP including applications, hardware, technical discussions and more.
  • ZK Rollups - zkRollup resources





Audit Checklists


Special Mentions

  • Protocol Reading List - This is a list of resources intended to serve as a starting point for anybody interested in understanding how crypto protocols work under the hood.
  • - A Public Good Blockchain Development Guide
  • Ethereum Developer Tool List - A guide to available tools, components, patterns, and platforms for developing applications on Ethereum.
  • Awesome AMMs - Collection of AMMs, Orderbooks, and everything in between.
  • Awesome Crypto Trackers - A curated list of crypto project trackers and analytics dashboards.