fsm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fsm copied to clipboard

Finite State Machine in Python using Coroutines.

FSM using Python Coroutines

  • Divisibility by 3
  • SQL Parser
  • Regular Expression ab*c


Install GraphViz

brew install graphviz

Install requirements

pip -r requirements.txt
pip install --install-option="--include-path=/usr/local/include/" --install-option="--library-path=/usr/local/lib/" pygraphviz

Exporting images from DOT

dot -Tpng -Gsize=9,15\! -Gdpi=200 -oregex-1.png regex-1.dot
dot -Tpng -Gsize=9,15\! -Gdpi=200 -odiv3.png div3.dot
dot -Tpng -Gsize=9,15\! -Gdpi=200 -osql.png sql.dot
dot -Tpng -Gsize=9,15\! -Gdpi=200 -otraffic-signal.png traffic-signal.dot