Arpit Solanki

Results 29 comments of Arpit Solanki

Yeah right it is very hard to find a developer guide or terminology of this project. adding a developer guide would have a nice thing since it is good project...

>I'm planning on an attempt to restructure the files so that Aker can be packaged up for PyPI (once the current pull requests are merged or rejected). This issue seems...

I am really laughing right now after seeing this. This is way too ridiculus to even think something like that. >This is ridiculous. Go away. GitHub - sorry about this....

Yeah I agree to the dotpot that this should be ported to python3 A few changes and some refactoring might do the First thing that is foremost is that...

@IITtense Well it seems pretty easy to use for a data set and training it is easy and fast because it does not require you to tune the parameters. check...

Hey the outliers implementation is awesome but i ant to suggest some things about the code improvement . - The source code should be put in a folder named `pylof`...

@louwrentius Few things that i would like to point out for this project. - First and foremost is that a license should also be included in your project which is...

@joshvillbrandt putting a progress bar does not seem to be a big work We can use [progressbar]( library for this and here is a sample code for showing a simple...

This is just because you camera is not setup correctly, Did you try to reconfigure it. try to reinstall wireless library again. ``` from goprohero import GoProHero camera = GoProHero(password='gopro')...

@martamill3 Yeah it is possible but you have to write some additional codes for this here are some hints. There are many libraries available you can use [gst-python]( also. There...