vim-ansible-vault icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-ansible-vault copied to clipboard

Vault and Unvault inline values of Yaml files



This plugin can be used for vaulting or unvaulting inline values of a yaml file



With vundle, just insert the line below in your vimrc file:

    Plugin 'arouene/vim-ansible-vault'

Then use the command :PluginInstall


With vim-plug, use that syntax in your vimrc file:

    Plug 'arouene/vim-ansible-vault', { 'for': ['yaml', 'yaml.ansible'] }

And then use the command :PlugInstall


You can define a mapping for the AnsibleVault and AnsibleUnvault commands:

    " Ansible-Vault
    nnoremap <Leader>av :AnsibleVault<CR>
    nnoremap <Leader>au :AnsibleUnvault<CR>

The ansible-vault executable must be indenpendently installed, and accessible from the PATH environment.


You can use configuration to customize behavior of vim-ansible-vault.

Variable Default Description
g:ansible_vault_no_unquote 0 Set to 1 to avoid triming quotes from decoded values
g:ansible_vault_password_file ~/.vault_password Password file to use


A password file is used by the commands :AnsibleVault and :AnsibleUnvault to respectively encrypt and decrypt the value of a yaml key: value. You first have to set which file your are using to store your password. To do that you can set the variable g:ansible_vault_password_file in your vimrc, or you can set an environment variable ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE. If neither are set, by default vim-ansible-vault will try to read the ~/.vault_password file.

Using the variable g:ansible_vault_password_file enables you to change it from within vim, using keybinding or autogroup to switch between multiple password files.

Password files are in plaintext, I have plans to add a support to use commands to retrieve a password (eg. using pass or gopass), let me know if you are interested.

In the yaml file, place the cursor on a key: value yaml pair then execute the command :AnsibleVault. The encrypted value will replace the unencrypted value.

To decrypt a value, in the yaml file, place the cursor on a key: value where value is !vault | then execute the command :AnsibleUnvault. The decrypted value will replace the crypted one.


These commands are only defined when the buffer is a yaml file.

:AnsibleVault Encrypt the value of a key: value yaml pair under the cursor.

:AnsibleUnvault Decrypt a vaulted value of a key: value yaml pair under the cursor.


Ansible-vault plugin does not use a complete Yaml parser, as such the cursor must be standing on the 'key: value' line when using the commands. For the same reason the key must not contains the ':' character, even if the Yaml specifications allows it.

For now, there is no support for vault-id.