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Oddly enough, a Scala wrapper for Typesafe's (pure-Java) Config library.
Oddly enough, a Scala wrapper for Typesafe's (pure-Java) Config library.
import com.typesafe.config._
import net.rosien.configz._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
val config = ConfigFactory.load // or some other constructor from com.typesafe.config
// Config instances may be appended using Config.withFallback() semantics. (Config has a Monoid[Config])
val combinedConfig = config |+| ConfigFactory.parseFile(...)
// Define some paths to values of a certain type.
val boolPath: Configz[Boolean] = "".path[Boolean]
val intPath: Configz[Int] = "".path[Int]
// Get the values at the path, which may fail with a com.typesafe.config.ConfigException.
val boolProp: Settings[Boolean] = config.get(boolPath)
val intProp: Settings[Int] = config.get(intPath)
// Note that Settings[A] is an alias for ValidationNEL[ConfigException, A].
// Configz is an applicative functor, so you can combine them (using scalaz operators like <*> or |@|):
val boolIntConfig: Configz[(Boolean, Int)] = (boolPath |@| intPath)(_ -> _)
val boolIntProp: Settings[(Boolean, Int)] = config.get(boolIntConfig)
// Configz paths can have custom validation:
val validatedIntPath = intPath.validate((_: Int) > 1000, " must be > 1000")