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Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - 3 day view for calendar
Thanks for the efforts you put in on this website @aropan
Homepage calendar at is not so good
Today is now currently disabled default view is total month ( the x marked is past weeks ) but we are generally interested in just today ( the ticket marked in screenshot ) or recent completed or just about to happen
We generally are not interested in past contests at all especially more than 1 day back
1 Ideally default view should show 3 days view ( instead of 7 days view ) It should just show 1 Yesterday ( to left ) 2 Today (in middle ) & 3 Tomorrow ( to right )
2 Also for example, full list of Today's contests should be shown, vertically by default, not when we click on "more" link.
3 Other views of weekly, month, etc can exists but point 1 can be default ( which is hot => happening now / just happened in last 24 hours / going to happen in next 24 hours ).