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Online resource for a practical course in machine learning for materials research at Imperial College London (MATE70026)
Machine Learning for Materials
Online resource of a practical machine learning course in the Department of Materials at Imperial College London.
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Course Description
Machine Learning for Materials (MATE70026) provides an introduction to statistical research tools for materials theory and simulation. It is aimed at senior undergraduate or junior postgraduate students.
You will consider how composition-structure-property information in materials science can be represented in a form suitable for machine learning. You will then build, train, and evaluate your own models using public tools and open datasets.
A hybrid teaching style will be followed with a mixture of lectures and assignments. The course assumes a basic working knowledge of the Python 3 programming language.
Lecture Slides
Course Website
You can view the site at
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pip install -U jupyter-book
then enter the repository and run
jupyter-book build .
This module was developed by Aron Walsh with the assistance of Anthony Onwuli and Zhenzhu Li.