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Add PaddlePaddle backend.
- Add paddlepaddle deep learning framework support.
Hello and thanks for contributing.
I don't merge this PR for two reasons:
paddlepaddle doesn't handle zero-dimensional tensor properly, see this issue, einops tests are failing and the same issue with previous versions of mxnet was a lot of headache
einops follows license requirements, it should not derive external code - einsum should be either taken from paddle (I see there is no support) or imported from paddlenlp; No derived code should be copied to einops
@jm12138 @arogozhnikov Hello, It is seemed that if transpose、reshape、stack、tile、unsequeeze
supports 0D, this PR can pass CI and paddle will be supported in EinOps. We will support these 5 APIs for 0D firstly, and are there any other questions you met?
@jm12138 @arogozhnikov Problem mentioned above has been fix in https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/46555. If there are any other prolem and we will fixed as soon as possible.