rabbot copied to clipboard
Clients that are not allowed to create queues, are not able to "addQueue" to create a subscribers
In a running rabbit instance add a user with restricted permissions
rabbitmqctl add_user johnDoe “superSecretPassword”
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags johnDoe monitoring
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / johnDoe "^$" ".*" ".*"
After creating a connection with the newly added user.
Attempt to call the "Broker.prototype.addQueue" results in an error like...
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): Error: Failed to create queue 'queue.that.should.exist.already' on connection 'default' with 'Error: Operation failed: QueueDeclare; 403 (ACCESS-REFUSED)
@arobson Bump - there's even a pull request...
@codepushr I have this fixed over at https://github.com/Foo-Foo-MQ/foo-foo-mq if you are interested, hence the now closed pull request I had opened