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minimal yum repo server, with rest API and filesystem backend


Build Status Coverage Status PyPI

Minimal Yum Repo Server, with ReST API and deduplicating Filesystem Backend


  • simple ReST API: create/remove repos, upload/move/remove rpms
  • fast read access: uses nginx as frontend
  • dedicated update command: you decide when to recalculate repo metadata
  • fast metadata calculation: uses C implementation, merges pre-calculated metadata
  • deduplicated RPMs: hardlinked copies only
  • supports symbolic repo links
  • there is a dedicated HiRes Promo Website

tl;dr for centos7 end users

follow instructions in the centos7-specific repository

tl;dr for developers

git clone https://github.com/arnehilmann/yumrepos.git
cd yumrepos
. venv/bin/activate
# start a basic development server
# now use the API with $HOST=

then see the full lifecycle test

rest API

check if yum-repo service is up

curl $HOST/repos/

response: 200 OK, exit code of curl != 0

create repo

curl -X PUT $HOST/admin/v1/repos/NEW_REPO

response: 201 CREATED, 403 FORBIDDEN (wrong reponame, non-existing path)

create multiple repos

curl -F pathspec="PATHSPEC" $HOST/admin/v1/repos

PATHSPEC: define pathes via brace expansion

pathspec example: curl -F pathspec="base/{6,7}/{x86_64,noarch}" $HOST/admin/v1/repos results in the following repo hierarchy:

+-- 6/
|   +-- x86_64/
|   +-- noarch/
+-- 7/
    +-- x86_64/
    +-- noarch/

response: 201 CREATED, 403 FORBIDDEN (wrong reponame, non-existing path), 400 BAD REQUEST (missing/malformed pathspec)

check repo


response: 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND

upload rpm

curl -F rpm=@file_to_be_uploaded.rpm $HOST/admin/v1/repos/TARGET_REPO

response: 201 CREATED, 404 NOT FOUND

check metadata of uploaded rpm

curL $HOST/admin/v1/repos/TARGET_REPO/RPM?info

response: 200 OK (info in response body as json), 404 NOT FOUND

move rpm to another repo

curl -X STAGE $HOST/admin/v1/repos/SOURCE_REPO/RPM?stageto=TARGET_REPO

response: 201 CREATED, 404 NOT FOUND (source rpm not found), 409 CONFLICT (rpm already present in target repo)

copy rpm to another repo

curl -X COPY $HOST/admin/v1/repos/SOURCE_REPO/RPM?copyto=TARGET_REPO

response: 201 CREATED, 404 NOT FOUND (source rpm not found), 409 CONFLICT (rpm already present in target repo)

delete empty repo

curl -X DELETE $HOST/admin/v1/repos/OBSOLETE_REPO

repsonse: 204 NO CONTENT, 409 CONFLICT (if not empty)

link to another repo

curl -X PUT $HOST/admin/v1/repos/NEW_REPO?link_to=REPO_ALREADY_PRESENT

response: 201 CREATED, 404 NOT FOUND (repo not already present)

check if repo is a link

curl $HOST/admin/v1/repos/REPO_TO_CHECK?is_link

repsonse: 200 OK (true or false in response body), 404 NOT FOUND

delete rpm

curl -X DELETE $HOST/admin/v1/repos/REPO/RPM_TO_DELETE

response: 204 NO CONTENT, 404 NOT FOUND

delete repo recursivly


response: 204 NO CONTENT, 404 NOT FOUND

shutdown repo server

curl -X POST $HOST/admin/v1/shutdown

response: 200 OK, 403 FORBIDDEN (when not in standalone mode)

development cheat sheet

build in docker container

docker run -it -v $PWD:/local -w /local centos:7 bash
yum install -y createrepo_c
. ve/bin/activate

# do stuff

create dummy rpm, when fpm tool not available

docker run -it -v $PWD:/local -w /local alanfranz/fwd-centos-7 fpm -s empty -t rpm -n foo -v 1.42

build debian package of createrepo_c, for build on travis-ci

git clone https://github.com/rpm-software-management/createrepo_c.git
cd createrepo_c
docker run -v $PWD:/local -it ubuntu:trusty bash
mkdir build
cd build
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libbz2-dev cmake libexpat1-dev libmagic-dev libglib2.0-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev \
    libxml2-dev libpython2.7-dev librpm-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev doxygen \
    check python-nose
cmake ..
mkdir -p docroot/usr/{bin,lib}
mv src/lib* docroot/usr/lib
mv src/*_c docroot/usr/bin
fpm -t deb -n createrepo_c -s dir -C docroot/ --verbose .