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A Vue plugin to quickly generate a webapplication layout.


This is a vue component library to create a default web application layout. You can create a toolbar, footer, left and right drawers. And each of those 4 components can be placed as a fixed component.

It also includes hide and minify buttons. The left and right drawers can be minified or hidden by the buttons or by resizing the window (responsive design)


I've written a demo in JSFiddle


You can install the package via npm or yarn.


npm install vue-ads-layout --save


yarn add vue-ads-layout


Here you can find a simple example on how to use this layout component.

It contains the following variables:

  • hiddenLeft: Indicates if the left drawer is hidden.
  • hiddenRight: Indicates if the right drawer is hidden.
  • minifiedLeft: Indicates if the left drawer is minified.
  • minifiedRight: Indicates if the right drawer is minified.

All the variables are booleans or null if you want the responsiveness to select the initial drawer state.

    <div id="app">
                <div slot="top">Navigation</div>
                <div slot="top">Navigation</div>

            My content


import '../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css';
import '../node_modules/vue-ads-layout/dist/vue-ads-layout.css';

import { VueAdsLayout, VueAdsBar, VueAdsDrawer, VueAdsHideButton, VueAdsMinifyButton } from 'vue-ads-layout';

export default {
    name: 'App',

    components: {

    data () {
        return {
            minifiedLeft: null,
            minifiedRight: false,
            hiddenLeft: null,
            hiddenRight: false,
    methods: {
        minifyLeft (minified) {
            this.minifiedLeft = minified;
        hideLeft (hidden) {
            this.hiddenLeft = hidden;
        minifyRight (minified) {
            this.minifiedRight = minified;
        hideRight (hidden) {
            this.hiddenRight = hidden;



This is the base component. All the other components need to be nested in this one by slots.

  • full-bar: (type: boolean) If true, a horizontal layout is created, where the bars overlap the drawers. If false, a vertical layout is created, where the drawers overlap the bars.

The toolbar template is used to define the top bar. Use the VueAdsBar component for it.

<vue-ads-bar slot="toolbar"></vue-ads-bar>

The footer template is used to define the footer. Use the VueAdsBar component for it with the footer option = true.

<vue-ads-bar slot="footer" :footer="true"></vue-ads-bar>
left-drawer / right drawer

The left/right-drawer template is used to define the left/right drawer. Use the VueAdsDrawer component for it. Set the right property to true on the right-drawer.

<vue-ads-drawer slot="left-drawer"></vue-ads-drawer>
<vue-ads-drawer slot="right-drawer" :right="true"></vue-ads-drawer>

This is the most important template. Here you place your application content.

Just add it as a child element between the vue-ads-layout tags.


The bar component is used to create a toolbar and a footer. It's possible to add your own classes here by the class attribute to style the bar.

  • fixed: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the bar is positioned fixed.
  • height: (type: number, default: 16) If you want to increase the default height, add this option. Only use the valid, numeric Tailwindcss height options
  • footer: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the bar is a footer.

There are 2 possibilities for using the bar templates:

  • overriding the default template with a custom template.
  • use the predefined 3 column template: first, middle, last. This method uses the flex css style, where the middle template has a flex-grow attribute.

For example if you want to use the VueAdsHideButton buttons on the left/right position of the bar, use the following templates.

<vue-ads-hide-button slot="first" :hidden="hiddenLeft" @clicked="hideLeft"></vue-ads-hide-button>
<vue-ads-hide-button slot="last" :hidden="hiddenRight" @clicked="hideRight"></vue-ads-hide-button>


The drawer component is used to create a drawers on the left and right side of your screen.

  • fixed: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the drawer is positioned fixed.
  • width: (type: string, default: '16rem') If you want to increase/decrease the default width, add this option.
  • minified-width: (type: string, default: '4rem') If you want to increase/decrease the minified width, add this option.
  • minified: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the drawer is minified. Be careful if you use, the minified and hidden properties on initialization. If the responsive property is true, it's possible it will override it immediately.
  • hidden: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.
  • responsive: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the drawer will be responsive.
  • minify-on: (type: integer, default: 768) If the window width is lower than this number in pixels, the drawer will minify, if responsive is set to true.
  • hide-on: (type: integer, default: 576) If the window width is lower than this number in pixels, the drawer will hide, if responsive is set to true.
  • right: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if this is the right drawer.
  • minify: Emitted if the drawer is minified.
    • minified: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is minified.
  • hide: Emitted if the drawer is hidden.
    • hidden: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.

There are 2 possibilities for using the drawer templates:

  • overriding the default template with a custom template.
  • use the predefined 2 rows template: top, bottom. This method uses the flex css style, where the top template has a flex-grow attribute.

All the slots (default, top and bottom) are scoped with the following variables:

  • fixed: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is positioned fixed.
  • minified: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is minified.
  • hidden: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.
  • width: (type: string) the current width.

For example if you want to use the VueAdsMinifyButton on the bottom of the bar to minify it, use the following template.

<vue-ads-minify-button slot="bottom" :minified="minifiedLeft" @clicked="minifyLeft"></vue-ads-minify-button>


A menu button that can be used to open or close the drawers.

If you want to use the font awesome icons, don't forget to import the css library. It's a dependency of this library so it's automatically installed.

  • hidden: (type: boolean, required) Indicates if the linked drawer is hidden or not.
  • clicked: Emitted if the button is clicked.
    • hidden: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is hidden after the click.

You can add a default template to override the default icon.

<vue-ads-hide-button :hidden="false">
   <i class="fa fa-check"></i>


A minify button that can be used to minify the drawers.

If you want to use the font awesome icons, don't forget to import the css library. It's a dependency of this library so it's automatically installed.

  • minified: (type: boolean, required) Indicates if the linked drawer is minified or not.
  • right: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the button is used for the right drawer. If so the arrows are flipped.
  • toggle: Emitted if the button is clicked.
    • minified: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is minified after the click.

You can add a default template to override the default icon. The slot is scoped with the following variable:

  • left: (type: boolean) Indicates if icon points to left. Collapse for the left drawer and expand for the right drawer.
<vue-ads-minify-button :minified="false">
   <i slot-scope="props" class="fa fa-check"></i>

Or add the named template extra to add some extra content after the arrow icon. The slot is scoped with the following variable:

  • left: (type: boolean) Indicates if icon points to left. Collapse for the left drawer and expand for the right drawer.
<vue-ads-minify-button :minified="false">
  <div slot="extra" slot-scope="props">Collapse</div>


Needs to be done. You can run all the test (currently zero) by executing the following command.

npm run test:unit


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