django-messages copied to clipboard
Issue With Same Inbox Subject as Multiple Objects
Messages in the inbox with the same subject keeps showing up more than once depending on the number of times a sender and the recipient receives messages. I want a situation whereby messages with the same subject will only show up once in the inbox and not twice or thrice. Kindly check the attached image for what I mean.
I've looked into the code and I did this
message_list = Message.objects.inbox_for(request.user).values('subject').distinct()
But still not working.
To show messages as threads, try to filter like this:
All messages where parent_msg is not null are replys in a thread.
You might need to replace the inbox_for filter with something like filter(Q(sender=user) || Q(recipient=user)) so that outgoing threads are also displayed.
@arneb, I tried this.. but it's not working fine. When I check my inbox [/messages/inbox] as the sender, no message will show up. But when I check as the receiver, I will see the message in my inbox and it won't show up multiple times. It's working for the receiver and not the sender.
What am I missing?
did you replace the inbox_for filter with two or'ed Q queries?
with inbox_for it will only work for the receiver, because inbox_for does a receiver=user filter. you want receiver=user || sender=user
@arneb Thanks!
Now working. I did this.
messageo = Message.objects.filter(Q(sender=request.user) | Q(recipient=request.user)).filter(parent_msg__isnull=True)
So far, it's working fine.
Another issue I have is how to make 1. a message that has not been read and replied have the em tag. 2, message that has been replied and not read have the em tag. So I did this.
{% for mvg in messageo %}
{% if %}
<p>From: {{ mvg.sender|capfirst }} To: {{ mvg.recipient|capfirst }}</p>
<strong> <a href="{{mvg.get_absolute_url }}">{{ mvg.subject }}</a> </strong>
<p>{{ mvg.sent_at|date:_("DATETIME_FORMAT") }} </p>
{% elif mvg.replied_at is None %}
<p>From: {{ mvg.sender|capfirst }} To: {{ mvg.recipient|capfirst }}</p>
<em> <a href="{{mvg.get_absolute_url }}">{{ mvg.subject }}</a> </em>
<p>{{ mvg.sent_at|date:_("DATETIME_FORMAT") }} </p>
{% elif mvg.replied_at %}
{% if not mvg.read_at %}
<p>From: {{ mvg.sender|capfirst }} To: {{ mvg.recipient|capfirst }}</p>
<em> <a href="{{mvg.get_absolute_url }}">{{ mvg.subject }}</a> </em>
<p>{{ mvg.sent_at|date:_("DATETIME_FORMAT") }} </p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
But not working! I'm on Django 1.11 . What am I missing?