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Mini Markdown Wiki/CMS in 8kb of JavaScript

Raito | Mini Markdown CMS ✨📝

Build your website with a single file!

Raito is an ultralight static CMS/Wiki that weights 8kb.
Hence the name, ライト meaning light in Japanese.

Made by Arnaud de Saint Meloir, inspired by the defunct MDwiki

Check the Demo 🔥


Just drop index.html in your website root.


Place Markdown files in the directory. Folders redirect to README.md.

Most modern Markdown components are supported, check the examples.

Relative links

All links to local markdown files should be relative (not starting with /).
Directory links (ending with /) will display the root README.md.


Edit the config variable in index.html.

Subdirectory install

To install Raito in a subdirectory, just specify the folder relative to root in config.root in index.html. Check out the branch subdir-example for a working example at http://localhost:8000/subdir_example/

Syntax Highlighting

Uncomment the highlight.js imports in index.html. This adds significant bundle size.


Components are visible in every page, and useful for navbars, sidebars and footers.

Create your component in a .md file, then add it to config.json.


Chart.js support is not official yet, but check out this setup example.


Run locally

Run a local HTTP server, and access http://localhost:8000

docker-compose up
# OR
python -m http.server 8000



  • [x] Subdir Support
  • [x] Dark mode
  • [x] Fix history navigation