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Algorithms & Data Structures in Go
Hi, I add a variable 'left' > h.Left = h.Left.Left' > h.Right = h.Left.Right This statement will cause the right node of left to be lost check it please, thanks
should be `(i-1) >> 1`
Remove unused code
#2 Providing a simple Treap implementation.
line 150: result := MakeMatrix(make([]float64, A.cols*A.rows), A.cols, A.rows) maybe change to: result := MakeMatrix(make([]float64, A.cols*A.rows), A.rows, .cols) the order of the params in not right ??? :)
} func (A *Matrix) add(B *Matrix) error { - if A.cols != B.cols && A.rows != B.rows { - if A.cols != B.cols || A.rows != B.rows { return errors.New("Wrong...
I want to see how Treap is implemented in Go.
Hello I would be thankful a lot if you could add Yen's KSP to the Graphs algorithms. In general, it uses Dijkstra to find k-shortest paths and is crucial, when...