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Example of spring-boot application serving a reactjs application
Example spring-boot backend and react frontend
Usually frontend and java backend developers are used to their tools:
- frontend developers often uses npm/yarn + webpack and develop in javascript/typescript.
- java backend developers often uses maven/gradle and develop in any JVM languages.
In this scenario we will explore a typical use case where frontend developers will develop a web application that will use some REST services exposed by a JVM backend application.
In a cloud environment like Kubernetes, it's more likely that the frontend server will be developed in nodejs and acts as a proxy by forwarding the API calls to the JVM backend.
But if you need to integrate with some spring-cloud and spring-cloud-netflix technologies such as Eureka and Spring cloud config, it's easier to deploy your react web application in a Spring Boot application as this integration comes for free.
This example will show you how to integrate a Reactjs web application and a Spring Boot application (based on Spring Boot Web Reactive) while using both the tools that frontend and backend developers are used to.
Do not hesitate to have a look at JHipster project which comes with an awesome and more advanced integration between Angular or React and Spring Boot.
Root project
Initialize a gradle project with gradle wrapper init
Go to spring-boot Initializr and fill the form to create your project.
Here I choose:
- gradle project
- kotlin
- group id: com.powple
- artifact id: backend
- dependencies: Spring Reactive Web, Spring Boot DevTools
Then we will create a web service that will be used by the frontend. Here I decided to use the Webflux functional endpoints. See RoutesConfiguration.
In order to use SPA application router (eg. angular, reactjs or vuejs router), we have to resolve unknown path to the index.html
This is achieved thanks to SpaWebFluxConfigurer
and the /
Then add in settings.gradle.kts:
Caching static resources
Add spring.resources.cache.period: 126227704
in application.yml
to enable caching headers for 4 years.
We will create a new react application based on create-react-app utility:
npx create-react-app frontend
Then optionally rename extension of file containing JSX from .js to .jsx to avoid IDE conflict with javascript code style.
Then change the react application to use that greeting service, see:
- App.jsx
- GreetingService.js
The greeting service try to reach the API as if it was exposed locally:
. In development, we will request the development web server to act as a proxy by forwarding all the API call to our java backend. In production, the react application will be served by Spring Boot so the API is actually exposed locally.
Add in settings.gradle.kts:
In development, we will to our Webpack development server to proxy all unhandled request to the backend API.
We can do so by adding in package.json:
"proxy": "http://localhost:8080"
You can find more information here
Once it is done, you will be able to run your backend server and frontend web server separately and while developing, you will see the changes directly.
You will need to configure your IDE to auto-rebuild your project when it detects a change so that Spring Boot DevTools can reload the changes. Check the doc for more info.
Alternatively, you can run in a terminal ./gradlew :backend:bootRun
but you won't have auto-rebuild functionality.
Then in another terminal, you can run:
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn start
Then it should pop up your default browser with the Reactjs application at http://localhost:3000. Make some changes and see how it impacts the web app.
We need to package the result of the build made by yarn build
command to the Spring Boot application.
In order to do that, we will use the gradle-node-plugin to allow us to run yarn/npm tasks from gradle
and at the end, make processResources
task from the backend to depends on frontend yarn build
- First, add in settings.gradle.kts before backend:
Make yarn/npm tasks depends on gradle tasks in build.gradle.kts in frontend.
Make backend gradle
task depending on frontend gradleyarn_build
tasks in build.gradle in backend and copy the frontend build output into/static
folder in the jar file. More information on how spring-boot can serve static content.
In this project, the backend will depend on frontend build only when the gradle property
is set. It is to avoid that we systematically rebuild the frontend when we are only developing in the backend.
That's it! You can now serve your react application from a Spring Boot application using REST services in kotlin or any JVM languages.
Let's try this:
./gradlew clean build -Pprod
java -jar backend/build/libs/*.jar
Then open your browser at http://localhost:8080. Hooray!