obsidian-metatable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-metatable copied to clipboard

An Obsidian plugin to display the frontmatter section as a fully expanded table.

Obsidian Metatable

A plugin to display the full frontmatter block instead of just the list of tags.


  • 0.13.1:
    • Fix custom text for frontmatter links.
  • 0.13.0:
    • Add --metatable-member-gap.
    • Add parts for summary, member, set and marker.
    • Fix preserving filter keys with the same starting substring.
    • Fix processing tags when the YAML key is capitalised.
    • Add custom text for wikilinks.
  • O.12.0:
    • Add warning when the frontmatter is not valid YAML.
    • Fix preserving the folded frontmatter when in edit mode.

See the changelog for the full list of version. Or check the decision log for the main design choices.


By enabling the plugin in the “Community plugins” section you'll be all set. To see the effects you'll need to open a new document or restart the vault.


  • Expansion level lets you choose whether you want the metatable fully collapsed, collapse only leafs, collapse only the root or fully expanded.
  • Ignore null values lets you toggle whether members with null values are displayed.
  • Null value lets you define a string to display when a value is null.
  • Skip key lets you define a key that when true will not display the metatable for that document.
  • Filter mode lets you define whether to ignore or keep the filter keys.
  • Filter keys lets you define the list of keys that should be either kept or ignored.
  • Autolinks Attempts to create links for internal links.
  • Naked Does not sandbox the widget with a ShadowDOM. It also doesn't bring any CSS.

CSS Custom properties

Use CSS custom properties to tweak the styles defined for the .obsidian-metatable Web Component shadow DOM.


  • --metatable-background
  • --metatable-link-color-hover
  • --metatable-link-color
  • --metatable-external-link-color-hover
  • --metatable-external-link-color
  • --metatable-internal-link-color
  • --metatable-internal-link-color-hover
  • --metatable-font-family
  • --metatable-font-size
  • --metatable-foreground
  • --metatable-key-background
  • --metatable-key-border-color-focus
  • --metatable-key-border-color
  • --metatable-key-border-width
  • --metatable-key-focus
  • --metatable-tag-background
  • --metatable-value-background
  • -metatable-warning-background
  • -metatable-warning-foreground
  • -metatable-warning-border


You might want to customise these if you prefer having tags with # or you don't like the fold arrows.

  • --metatable-collapsed-symbol
  • --metatable-expanded-symbol
  • --metatable-mark-symbol
  • --metatable-tag-symbol
  • --metatable-internal-link-icon
  • --metatable-external-link-icon


An alternative method for customising styles is via the ::part pseudo-element.

Notice that parts are limited by design so you won't be able to influence children such as links or deep structures in values.

The available parts are:

  • key and value
  • links
  • tags
  • marker
  • member
  • set
  • summary


Tags use the ::part pseudo-element to allow for full customisation. What in the default Obsidian setup you would do to style Tag Pills with this plugin you would do instead:

.obsidian-metatable::part(tag) {
  background-color: pink;

.obsidian-metatable::part(tag):hover {
  background-color: var(--text-accent-hover);

.obsidian-metatable::part(tag important) {
  color: white;
  background-color: tomato;

.obsidian-metatable::part(tag example) {
  color: black;
  background-color: deepskyblue;

Keys and values

Both keys and values use the ::part pseudo-element to allow for full customisation. Say you don't like the scroll that appears when values overflow the space available (e.g. URLs), you could:

.obsidian-metatable::part(value) {
  overflow: hidden;

And, as a more contrived example, you could give a rounded look to the keys:

.obsidian-metatable::part(key) {
  border-radius: 0.8rem;
  border-right: none;
  padding-left: 0.8rem;

Notice that parts are limited by design so you won't be able to influence children such as links or deep structures in values.


Links use the ::part pseudo-element to allow for full customisation. Say you don't like the underlining and want external links to be in bold:

.obsidian-metatable::part(link) {
  text-decoration: none;

.obsidian-metatable::part(external-link) {
  font-weight: 700;


Say you want your metadata to have a custom palette of pinks and arrows is not your thing.

First, create a directory <vault>/.obsidian/snippets and a file metatable.css inside.

Then, in Obsidian, open Settings, go to Appearance, enable CSS snippets and enable the metatable snippet. Note that you might have to reload the snippets by hand using the button at the top-right hand side of the section.

Finally, add your custom CSS inside the file you just created:

/* .obsidian/snippets/metatable.css */
.theme-light .obsidian-metatable {
  --metatable-key-background: mistyrose;
  --metatable-key-border-color: pink;
  --metatable-foreground: dimgrey;
  --metatable-value-background: snow;
  --metatable-collapsed-symbol: "😶";
  --metatable-expanded-symbol: "😎";
  --metatable-tag-symbol: "#";

For more details, either use the Inspector tool in Obsidian or check out the metatable.css.



Any value that is a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL such as https://www.seachess.net.

It also autolinks Evernote links using the evernote: protocol.


Any value in the tags key is linked as a tag. Mimics the default Obsidian behaviour.


Any value that is a valid Obsidian URL such as obsidian://open?vault=my_vault&file=my_file.


Any Zotero URI such as zotero://select/items/@citekey.

The link becomes clickable and selects the item in Zotero (also allows for opening PDF attachments of items via zotero://open-pdf/... ). It requires Zotero to be installed.

When used with obsidian-citation-plugin, the variable {{zoteroSelectURI}} can be used in the frontmatter to create a clickable link to open the linked citation in Zotero directly from the metatable.


(requires "autolinks" enabled)

Any value starting with ./ is considered a local link. E.g. ./projects/obsidian-metatable will link to the obsidian-metatable.md under the projects folder.


(requires "autolinks" enabled)

Any value starting with [[ and ending with ]] is considered a wiki link. The behaviour should be the same with any other wikilink you would write in Markdown.

Warning: Square brackets [] in YAML are reserved for defining arrays so in order to actually use wikilinks you have to tell YAML that it's a string. For example,

quoted: "[[basic-alt]]"
long-string: >-

You can also customise the text displayed by using the following form:

[[target|Text to display]]


(requires "autolinks" enabled)

Any value starting and ending with % is considered a frontmatter link. The behaviour is the same as per wiki links.

Warning: This format is non-standard. But it's more convenient than wiki links.


  • [x] Basic takeover from the default plugin.
  • [x] Use a Web Component for better isolation.
  • [x] Add setting for expansion level.
  • [x] Cut releases with Github Actions.
  • [x] Adjust styles to work better with the default light theme.
  • [x] Adjust styles to work better with the default dark theme.
  • [x] Add setting for filtering top level keys.
  • [ ] Add setting for adding custom mapping functions.

Check the decision log for the rationale behind the main design choices.


From Obsidian:

  • Ensure Community Plugins are enabled.
  • Browse community plugins searching for metatable.
  • Click install.
  • Enable plugin in the “Community Plugins” Settings section.
  • Open a file (notice that previously opened files won't get the effects of the plugin until reopened or changed).

From release:

  • Download the obsidian-metatable-{version}.zip file from the chosen release, for example the latest release.
  • Ensure “Community Plugins” are enabled in Settings.
  • Ensure the .obsidian/plugins/ directory exists in your vault directory.
  • Expand the zip file into the .obsidian/plugins/ directory such that an obsidian-metatable directory is a direct child of plugins.
  • Enable plugin in the “Community Plugins” Settings section.
  • Open a file (notice that previously opened files won't get the effects of the plugin until reopened or changed).

From source:

  • Clone the source repository.
  • Run yarn install.
  • Run yarn build.
  • Create a obsidian-metatable under your vault's .obsidian/plugins/ directory.
  • Copy over main.js, versions.json and manifest.json.
  • Enable plugin in the “Community Plugins” Settings section.
  • Open a file (notice that previously opened files won't get the effects of the plugin until reopened or changed).


Arnau Siches under the MIT License