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An Erlang naive bayes text classifier to classify movie reviews as positive or negative.

Erlang Naive Bayes Classifier

This is a simple project to classify text using a naive bayesian classifier. A Naive Bayes classifier is based on Bayes theorem and is an extremely simple text classification algorithm that is mostly based on counting of "features".

In this example we are trying to analyze movie reviews and mine them for features that we can use to determine if a movie review if positive or negative. We have a set of training data in priv/training/ which provides 800 example movie reviews that are categorized as positive or negative.

To test our classifier, we also have a testing set in priv/test/, which provides 200 similarly categorized reviews.

The goal is to build a model from our training data which should provide maximum accuracy for the testing set.

Text Features

For this simple prototype, we are not doing anything special. We split the file and get all the words or unigrams, and treat those as our features. We do a simple count of occurences and then use that as the basis for computing the propability of those features occuring.

Extensions to this could include looking at bigrams or trigrams, or analyzing other features such as the location of words (proximity to beginning / end of sentence, etc.).

Training Architecture

The training architecture involves a handful of processes that communicate to build the model. We have a process which writes the model, two which aggregate results, and several hundred which count the tokens in the individual processes.

The main process spawns the model_store first, which waits for the aggregated positive and negative results. Once those results are available, it writes them to a file, informs the main process it is complete, and exits.

After starting the model store, the main process starts 2 aggregator processes, one for positive tokens and one for negative tokens. After the individual files are summarized, that information is sent to the aggregators which accumulate the results. Once all the learners are finished, the main process instructs the aggregators to flush their results to the model_store, which will write the results out.

Once the model store and aggregators are ready, the main process spawns a new process for each file that should be learned from. The learners tokenize the file, and count the occurrences of each token. The learners forward the results to the aggregators, inform the main process they are finished, and then exit.

The main process spawns all the processes, and then waits for everything to terminate.

Testing Architecture

The testing architecture is much simpler. There are only 2 processes, the main process and a set of classifiers. The main process starts a pool of classifiers, and then sends all the test files to the pool to be classified. Once all the files are exhausted, the pool is shutdown and the process exits.

Playing with it

Just use the make file to get going:

$ make
$ make train
$ make test