Armani Ferrante
Armani Ferrante
When building the `ethereum` package for node with rollup, we're including the browser field. See This causes: ``` $ jest test/e2e console.log ../ethereum/dist/index.umd.js:8723 WARNING: Missing strong random number source;...
Unclear a.t.m. if this is a client or gateway/oasis-chain bug. See the following build:
`Oasis` is redundant here. Breaking change so this should be done in v2.
For V2 fo the client, we should autogenerate docs with The current client architecture, namely the fact that the `@oasislabs/client` package is a composition of the other packages is...
We currently only test with the Web3Gateway. Blocked by the fact that oasis-gateway doesn't yet support the developer gateway. See
Given I'm a developer, When I call an Oasis Service rpc method with an invalid input, Then I should receive a useful error. Potential test cases: ``` it('throws an exception...