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The about page is very empty

Open L0Lock opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

There is the old issue #112 about this page, but it is closed and have been inactive for 4 years now. And it looks like changes like this one db43bc4c have not been applied or got reverted in some way (IMHO "give feedback" is still misleading and understood as being about Blender and not the website)? Anyway, I think the current About page could be enhanced


As of today, this page contains very little information useful to the user. Having two lines about the site is nice, but I would expect a few things:

  1. Keep the footer elements we already have on other pages (see red frame on screenshot) or better: make them even more prominent. IMHO this kind of pages is dedicated to such info, so it should not be relayed to a small footer.
  2. Maybe add more info about how to use the site globally. I'd find it convenient to have a guide for the supported markdown, and why not some global guidelines about how to post, what's globally accepted, mindset expected, ...
  3. Why not a mention Dillo's current version and release notes?
  4. Link to Blender Chat!



Code (click to extend)
<div class="item-detail-body">
    <h1>Welcome to Blender Community!</h1>
    <h3><span style="font-size: 1.5em;">A Bit of History</span></h3>
    <p>In 2005 Pablo helped to build the GraphicAll community, and together with Francesco we have been building communities like Blender Network and Blender Today in 2014, which later became Blender Community.</p>
    <article class="markdown-body">
        <h2 class="atx" id="the-platform">The Platform</h2>
        <p>This website is built on <a href="https://github.com/armadillica/dillo">Dillo</a>, a free and open web platform created to support crowd-driven content.</p>
        <p> <strong>Source Code, Bug Reports and Suggestions</strong> on <a href="https://github.com/armadillica/dillo/issues">Issues · armadillica/dillo · GitHub</a></p>
        <h2 class="atx" id="markdown-formatting">Markdown Formatting</h2>
        <p>This website uses a simplified markdown formatting.</p>
                    <th>Markdown Syntax</th>
                    <td><code># H1 ## H2 ### H3</code></td>
                    <td><code>**bold text**</code></td>
                    <td><code>*italicized text*</code></td>
                    <td><code>&gt; blockquote</code></td>
                    <td>Ordered List</td>
                    <td><code>1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item&lt;br&gt;</code></td>
                    <td>Unordered List</td>
                    <td><code>- First item - Second item - Third item&lt;br&gt;</code></td>
                    <td>Horizontal Rule</td>
                    <td><code>![alt text](image.jpg)</code></td>
        <p>For Multiline Code, you can use triple <code>`</code> :</p>
            <code class="fenced-code-block">
            print("Hello, world!")
            for i in range(10):
    <footer class="site-footer">
        <div class="btn-toolbar-row"><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8f/Line-style-icons-chat.svg/2560px-Line-style-icons-chat.svg.png" height="20px" style="
            filter: brightness(5);
            "><a data-tooltip="true" data-tippy-content="Follow Blender Today on Twitter" href="https://twitter.com/BlenderToday" target="_blank" title="Follow Blender Today on Twitter" class="btn-link btn-icon"><span><i class="i-twitter"></i></span></a><a data-tooltip="true" data-tippy-content="Blender Community on YouTube" href="https://www.youtube.com/BlenderCommunity" target="_blank" title="Blender Community on YouTube" class="btn-link btn-icon"><span><i class="i-youtube"></i></span></a></div>
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            <p>Powered by <a href="https://github.com/armadillica/dillo">Dillo 0.4.2</a>.</p>

L0Lock avatar Feb 03 '23 17:02 L0Lock