Fabien Basmaison
Fabien Basmaison
Here you go; thank you! :) [2023-08-13-starred-articles.json.zip](https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS/files/12329941/2023-08-13-starred-articles.json.zip) This is one of a batch exported with a `curl` command: ```sh curl -o export-favourites-#1.json "https://syndication.example.com/public.php?op=rss&limit=100&offset=[0-236]00&format=json&id=-1&is_cat=0&q=&key=BLABLABLA" ```
Thanks! > Would you be able to test this patch? https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS/pull/5584 (on the current edge branch of FreshRSS) I tried and it imported the batch properly, even without some of...
> The json export does not seem to provide this information but the xml does. I’m gonna check if I can hack something on the TT-RSS side. I was not...
(Based on what you did and from what I understand, a tool for migrating the whole content from a TT-RSS instance to FreshRSS does not seem like an impossible task....
What would be the best way to document the issue being addressed here? I could help writing.
> I have added the support for the source in https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS/pull/5584 I emptied then removed the existing http://import.localhost/import.xml feed and imported zipped json files again: * Articles are imported, with...
About the json obtained with the [TT-RSS data migration plugin](https://gitlab.tt-rss.org/tt-rss/plugins/ttrss-data-migration/-/wikis/home), it is a different format than the exported files through [Generated feeds](https://tt-rss.org/wiki/GeneratedFeeds). Thank you; I’ll send you something.
> The XML format has changed a lot since the last type of TT-RSS export I saw, and it will require some more work. I also do not know which...
There was a TT-RSS import_export preference before which was discontinued: https://community.tt-rss.org/t/found-lot-of-orphaned-records-in-database/2657/8
For what it’s worth, I cleared all feeds and did the following again: 1. Import OMPL file (screenshot 1). 2. Import all zipped json files (screenshot 2).