inception copied to clipboard
The backup dbname is too long.
因为备份数据库的库名是ip+端口+库名的,mysql库名有限制最长64字符,阿里云RDS的ip是一个长串的域名,太长了会报错。 The backup dbname '' is too long.
这个问题个人尝试,指定了--disable-remote-backup,按理来说,不进行备份,就不应该生成备份名字,但是阿里云RDS的实例,在审核的时候,依然报错备份名字太长。 源码的开发大牛们,能看看并修复一下吗?
could you please fix this bug for db name too long, since we are using RDS, the domain name is the only way for parsing host. we can not use ip, because it is always changing. Thanks a lot for your contribution!
I have made an workaround to add a search in /etc/resolv.conf to fix this issue