
Results 115 comments of arkanoid87

I gave the binary to a wine dev for a quick look and he confirmed the issue and suggested me to take it to

I've compiled all examples and only 3 are affected by this problem: - rebar.nim - demo.nim - dragdrop.nim ``` $ wine rebar.exe /home/arkanoid/nim/wnimtest/wNim/examples/rebar.nim(55) rebar /home/arkanoid/.nimble/pkgs/wnim-0.13.1/wNim/private/controls/wComboBox.nim(271) ComboBox /home/arkanoid/.nimble/pkgs/wnim-0.13.1/wNim/private/controls/wComboBox.nim(297) init /home/arkanoid/.nimble/pkgs/wnim-0.13.1/wNim/private/controls/wTextCtrl.nim(988) TextCtrl...

literally just one character change on ndb. I see that same request has been waiting since May 25, 2020, do we have any chance? What about proceeding on a different...

not sure why, but while using strings as data containers as workaround, I'm encountering some strange behaviour in selecting data. I'm quite sure the insertion works correctly, as final db...

> Well I'm using my fork in the meantime, until the PR is merged. If it's not though, I'll have to use that fork permanently. it has been accepted! Hooray!

Thanks for the solution and explanation. I think I will need bytesequtils too as I'm already facing the struggle of different modules where some like OpenArray[uint8] some like string

this stack won't work as is due to docker NAT problems. No matter what you tell FreePBX as "External address", RTP packets will be sent to containerized docker addresses. As...

same here: Error: Module jupyter-webrtc, semver range ~0.5.0 is not registered as a widget $ python --version `Python 3.7.6` $ node --version `v13.13.0` $ jupyter lab --version `2.1.2` $ conda...

AFAIK, `onPause()` is the only reliable way to early know the user is leaving: The only exception to this would be force killing the foreground app, that again AFAIK...

I've verified the same behavior on smartphones and tablets of different brands. Closing the app via overview leaves the db open.