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Retinal vessel segmentation using U-NET, Res-UNET, Attention U-NET, and Residual Attention U-NET (RA-UNET)


This repository contains the implementation of fully convolutional neural networks for segmenting retinal vasculature from fundus images.

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Four architecures/models were made keeping U-NET architecture as the base. The models used are:

  • Simple U-NET
  • Residual U-NET (Res-UNET)
  • Attention U-NET
  • Residual Attention U-NET (RA-UNET)

The performance metrics used for evaluation are accuracy and mean IoU.


Images from HRF, DRIVE and STARE datasets are used for training and testing. The following pre-processing steps are applied before training the models:

  • Green channel selection
  • Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)
  • Cropping into non-overlapping patches of size 512 x 512

10 images from DRIVE and STARE and 12 images from HRF was kept for testing the models. The training dataset was then split into 70:30 ratio for training and validation.

Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001 was used as optimizer and IoU loss was used as the loss function. The models were trained for 150 epochs with a batch size of 16, using NVIDIA Tesla P100-PCIE GPU.


The performance of the models were evaluated using the test dataset. Out of all the models, Attention U-NET achieved a greater segmentation performance.

The following table compares the performance of various models

Datasets Models Average Accuracy Mean IoU
HRF Simple U-NET 0.965 0.854
HRF Res-UNET 0.964 0.854
HRF Attention U-NET 0.966 0.857
HRF RA-UNET 0.963 0.85
DRIVE Simple U-NET 0.9 0.736
DRIVE Res-UNET 0.903 0.741
DRIVE Attention U-NET 0.905 0.745
DRIVE RA-UNET 0.9 0.735
STARE Simple U-NET 0.882 0.719
STARE Res-UNET 0.893 0.737
STARE Attention U-NET 0.893 0.738
STARE RA-UNET 0.891 0.733

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The datasets of the fundus images can be acquired from:

  1. HRF
  2. DRIVE
  3. STARE

The trained models are present in Trained models folder.


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This project is done during Indian Academy of Sciences Summer Reasearch Fellowship '21