Hacktoberfest-2023-Hack-Codes copied to clipboard
This repository will hold all the deadly codes that can change the world .
Hacktoberfest Hack Codes
Proud Contributors
Do you know , that we belong to an era where your code can build me or destry me ? 😨 So , we thought why not record what we do and presenting to you Hack Code , A repository that will hold all the deadly codes that can change the world .
Codes can be written in different languages like C , C++ , Java , PHP , Python , Ruby , Javascript or whatever your are familiar with .
We prefer well documented code comment lines will be appreciated and your Pull Requests should comply with these in-order to get merged. So, do read the CONTRIBUTING.md.
Fork this repository and clone on your local machine
git clone https://github.com/aritrakrbasu/Hacktoberfest-2022-Hack-Codes.git
Create a branch
git checkout -b branch_name
Make your changes
- Add any new coding question and answer that you solved
- Refer Contributing.md for more details
Commit and push
git add .
git commit -m "your_message"
git push origin branch_name
What to do:
Fork this repository
Clone forked Repo
Add coding Question and Answer in the cloned folder
Push the code to your forked repo
Send a Pull Request(PR)
Wait for it to get Merged
Happy Hacktober Fest 2021 🤩
Looking forward to your PRs!!!
Please consider contributing to it if you think your solution could help the Open Source Community and we together can hack the world using your code 🏴☠️🏴☠️ .