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Feat(eos_cli_config_gen): Refactor event-handlers model to accommodate other triggers with their specificities
> I think each option supports/requires different options after the keyword on eos. So I think we may have to rewrite this model to a dict.
indeed - only on-boot
seems to work like this. I only need on-boot for now so will remove the other and log an issue to revisit the model later.
Though it will be hard to model - you can configure an event-handler without a trigger in CLI (yeah that is useless probably but valid config) and then it would have to be a list for each option.
is actually a mode to get in..
event-handler trigger-on-boot
trigger on-boot
action bash echo "on-boot"
event-handler trigger-on-config
trigger on-config disabled
action bash echo "on-config"
event-handler trigger-on-counters
action bash echo "on-counters"
trigger on-counters
event-handler trigger-on-intf
trigger on-intf Ethernet1 ip
action bash echo "on-intf"
event-handler trigger-on-maintenance
trigger on-maintenance enter bgp BLAH after stage linkdown
trigger on-config disabled
action bash echo "on-maintenance"
event-handler trigger-vm-tracer
trigger vm-tracer vm
action bash echo "vm-tracer"
Originally posted by @gmuloc in https://github.com/aristanetworks/ansible-avd/issues/3264#issuecomment-1770231263
we are highly interested in adding on-maintenance ...
since we have implemented this at all our customers with evpn fabric and all getting the warnings.
[WARNING]: [KHM-t-dehesw-101]: 'Validation Error: event_handlers[14].trigger': 'on-maintenance enter unit System begin' is not one of ['on-logging', 'on-startup-config']
[WARNING]: [KHM-t-dehesw-201]: 'Validation Error: event_handlers[15].trigger': 'on-maintenance exit unit System begin' is not one of ['on-logging', 'on-startup-config']
the handlers look like:
action_type: bash
action: "FastCli -p 15 -c downlink-maint; FastCli -p 15 -c peerlink-maint; EOF"
trigger: on-maintenance enter unit System begin
asynchronous: true
action_type: bash
action: "FastCli -p 15 -c downlink-nomaint; FastCli -p 15 -c peerlink-nomaint; EOF"
trigger: on-maintenance exit unit System begin
asynchronous: true
That is great feedback Karl, thank you!
Since we need extra fields for this trigger, it could be something like:
trigger: "on-maintenance"
event: enter | exit
unit: <unit name>
order: begin | ?
This issue is stale because it has been open 90 days with no activity. The issue will be reviewed by a maintainer and may be closed
Hello. Do you have this addtional trigger on you roadmap?
Unfortunately we do not right now. I will ask the team to take a look, but there is a lot on the list.