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Xenon\LaravelBDSms is a laravel based multi sms gateway package for sending text message to Bangladeshi mobile numbers using several gateways like sslsms, greenweb, dianahost, metronet, boomcast, bulk...

Xenon\LaravelBDSms is a sms gateway package for sending text message to Bangladeshi mobile numbers using several gateways for Laravel Framework.


Step 1:

composer require xenon/laravelbdsms

Step 2:

Then, publish the package

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Xenon\LaravelBDSms\LaravelBDSmsServiceProvider

Step 3:

Select Vendor From Console

Step 4:

php artisan config:cache && php artisan migrate

This will create a sms.php in the config/ directory and also table in your database. Set your desired provider as default_provider and fill up the necessary environment variable of that provider.


Simply use the facade

use Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Facades\SMS;

SMS::shoot('017XXYYZZAA', 'helloooooooo boss!');

SMS::shoot(['017XXYYZZAA','018XXYYZZAA'], 'helloooooooo boss!'); //for Ssl Sms Gateway Only

Or, with facade alias

use LaravelBDSms;

LaravelBDSms::shoot('017XXYYZZAA', 'helloooooooo boss!');

Or, if you need to change the default provider on the fly

use Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Facades\SMS;
use Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Provider\Ssl;

$response = SMS::via(Ssl::class)->shoot('017XXYYZZAA', 'helloooooooo boss!');

That should do it.

Otherwise, if you want more control, you can use the underlying sender object. This will not touch any laravel facade or service provider.

Sample Code SSLCommerz

use Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Provider\Ssl;
use Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Sender;

$sender = Sender::getInstance();
$sender->setMessage('helloooooooo boss!');
       'api_token' => 'api token goes here',
       'sid' => 'text',
       'csms_id' => 'sender_id'
$status = $sender->send();

Sample Code MimSMS

use Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Provider\MimSms;
use Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Sender;

$sender = Sender::getInstance();
$sender->setMessage('This is test message');
       'api_key' => 'api_key_goes_here',
       'type' => 'text',
       'senderid' => 'approved_send_id',

$status = $sender->send();

Demo Response Using SSL

array:6 [▼
  "status" => "response"
  "response" => "{"status":"FAILED","status_code":4003,"error_message":"IP Blacklisted"}"
  "provider" => "Xenon\LaravelBDSms\Provider\Ssl"
  "send_time" => "2021-07-06 08:03:23"
  "mobile" => "017XXYYZZAA"
  "message" => "helloooooooo boss!"

Currently Supported SMS Gateways

  • AjuraTech
  • Adn
  • Banglalink
  • BDBulkSMS
  • BoomCast
  • BulkSMSBD
  • Dianahost
  • Dianasms
  • ElitBuzz
  • Infobip
  • Metronet
  • Mimsms
  • Mobireach
  • NovocomBD
  • OnnoRokomSMS
  • SSLSms
  • Tense
  • TwentyFourSmsBD
  • Viatech

We are continuously working in this open source library for adding more Bangladeshi sms gateway. If you feel something is missing then make a issue regarding that. If you want to contribute in this library, then you are highly welcome to do that....

For clear documentation read this blog in Medium!

Special thanks to