Adam Argyle

Results 262 issues of Adam Argyle

OPv2 docs should articulate the deprecation of the older font name variables


thanks for the suggestion @mobalti


```css h1 { text-box-trim: both; text-box-edge: ex alphabetic; ``` Would love to capture feedback from experiments you do. [Spec for ref](

### Why Professional polish of motion graphics often includes the application of motion blur. In most cases, it's a boolean toggled at the layer level, that then tells the engine...


Be cool to have variable font options too: a stack of variable font names for a few categories.

not sure how to do this, but it'd be super rad if designers could inspect and contribute to what and when analytics are being tracked on the page/components

😭 help wanted
¿ question ?
⚡️ feature

see which the source file is[email protected]/osc.css h/t @nocksock