
Results 23 issues of argv-minus-one

- [x] Did you check to see if this issue already exists? [Yes—apologies if I missed it!] - [x] Is this only a single bug? Do not put multiple bugs...


## Overview This PR fixes #527. Note: Because there is no JNI function to get a count of how many local references are in the current frame, this change is,...

bug :bug:

## Overview (Currently a draft PR because this is based on #478, which isn't yet merged.) This PR fixes #496 by capturing information about Java exceptions in `Error::JavaException`, and displaying...


[Some people on Discord got confused]( when a `Display`ed `Error::JavaException` showed only the words `Java exception` and the Java method that threw it, and not the Java exception's class or...


@rib mentioned in that perhaps the `Desc` trait should be sealed, and I agree that this seems like a good idea. I will mention in the 0.21 migration guide...

The filter settings, like “included settlement sizes” and “maximum number of hops in route”, are reset when closing and restarting the tool. Please consider saving these settings instead. Version 1.1.2.

This PR implements `From` for `String`, which otherwise requires `unsafe`. No conversion is added for `String` because there is no implementation of `From` or `From` for `BytesMut`, as there is...

This PR adds a `slice_ref` method to `String`, which does the same thing as [`Bytes::slice_ref`]( I expect this will be useful for parsing: take a big string as `String`, parse...

As of macOS 12, the `hdiutil udifrez` command, used by dmg-license, is deprecated. Deprecation by Apple is not an empty threat. They will most likely remove this command in the...

The `jaxb-parent` 2.3.0 POM contains `` and `` with non-`https` URLs. That makes it unsafe to use JAXB from Maven Central, since downloads of artifacts from those third-party repositories may...