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Create lidar dataset tutorial with map visualization
PR Summary
This script creates log videos to visualize the AV2 Lidar Dataset. It allows the visualization of lidar intensity, lidar aggregation, and map elements. The example below shows an output with lidar aggregation and overlaid map. Lidar point colors correspond to their reflectance/intensity values, and the map element colors are consistent with the lane colors defined here. The drivable area is shown in green. Red represents an implicit lane marking (with no actual paint, merely inferred by road users), as in here.
Note: This PR might substitute PR#25.
Example of usage:
python tutorials/generate_per_log_video_lidar_dataset.py --data_root /data/datasets/av2/lidar/test --output_dir /data/
In order to ensure this PR works as intended, it is:
- [x] unit tested.
- [ ] other or not applicable (additional detail/rationale required)
Compliance with Standards
As the author, I certify that this PR conforms to the following standards:
- [x] Code changes conform to PEP8 and docstrings conform to the Google Python style guide.
- [x] A well-written summary explains what was done and why it was done.
- [x] The PR is adequately tested and the testing details and links to external results are included.
Looking good, @jhonykaesemodel. Left a few comments.