pysphere copied to clipboard
We are using vCenter 5.0 and our team has created many templates from which
VM's are deployed. I would like to know if pysphere can be used to automate
this process.
The docs for VIVirtualMachine.clone seem to indicate that this is possible
although I could not get it to work.
>>> vms = server.get_registered_vms()
>>> templates = [vm for vm in vms if '[iSCSI-Templates]' in vm]
>>> templates[1]
>>> vm = server.get_vm_by_path(templates[1])
>>> new_vm = vm.clone("Clone")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pysphere\", line 537,
in clone
pysphere.resources.vi_exception.VIException: [Task Error]: The operation is not
allowed in the current state of the host.
Original issue reported on by [email protected]
on 12 Sep 2013 at 8:16
I'm also wondering about templates.
There is a clone feature, but it doesn't work for me.
If i try to clone a regular vm (non-template) I get
VIException: [Task Error]: The operation is not supported on the object.
new_vm = vm2.clone("Ubuntu_Cluster_02", sync_run=True, template=False,
power_on=True, resourcepool="" )
Templates don't show up in server.get_registered_vms().
So i can't try on a template.
The vm clones fine in vsphere.
So what objects can I clone on?
VIException Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-41-d9895f03b036> in <module>()
1 # only new name is required. These are all the defualt values (folder, resourcepool same as parent)
2 # , folder="Templates"
----> 3 new_vm = vm2.clone("Ubuntu_Cluster_02", sync_run=True, template=False,
power_on=True, resourcepool="" )
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pysphere/vi_virtual_machine.pyc in
clone(self, name, sync_run, folder, resourcepool, datastore, host, power_on,
template, snapshot, linked)
535 if status == vi_task.STATE_ERROR:
536 raise VIException(vi_task.get_error_message(),
--> 537 FaultTypes.TASK_ERROR)
538 return VIVirtualMachine(self._server, vi_task.get_result()._obj)
VIException: [Task Error]: The operation is not supported on the object.
Original comment by [email protected]
on 11 Oct 2013 at 3:01