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Sync Application Manifest changes from ArgoCd UI
I'm trying to configure ArgoCD UI with GITLAB
i have two repositories; one for application manifest (with a folder wich containes multiple app definitions, e.g.: _apps) and another for helm charts source code.
From ArgoCD UI, i add a new Application in argo. I point it to the app repo and _app folder. the application manifests myapp1.yaml and myapp2.yaml in the _app folder refere to some charts in the charts repo.
When I sync the root app, I can see the two applications defined in the repo in ArgoCD.
Now, I modify from the ArgoCD gui some helm values with overrides of my two apps. The apps are synched with the cluster.
Now ArgoCD GUI says that all is synched. everything is green.
If I click on sync apps, everything stays green.
The overridden values aren't pushed back to my apps manifest repo.
I know that if I manually commit the changes made on my apps on my repo, and sync again I'll achieve wath I want.
In my opinion, the CI/CD cycle isn't closed .
In summary, I'd like allow App administrators to override values in ArgoCD gui and bring back these changes automatically on my apps repo.
Another issue, is that at least one Application (the root application) must be added manually in ArgoCD UI to fetch child apps. It would be nice to have a button to "Fetch Apps from repo" without the need to add the root App manually.
Is my perspective wrong?