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jwtcat copied to clipboard

A CPU-based JSON Web Token (JWT) cracker and - to some extent - scanner.

Results 3 jwtcat issues
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Hello! I'm trying to run this program but its taking a while to run, but I've noticed that its only using 1 out of 12 available cores on my system.

crackjwt.py script ==> can crack any token. Note Secret Key is: 1234567890 $ python3 jwtcat.py -t "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9.Fw4maeqOtL8pPwiI2_VzYBo4JQ91P1Ow3X3hNqx2wPg" -v -w ~/passwords_long.txt


Bumps [tqdm](https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm) from 4.46.0 to 4.66.3. Release notes Sourced from tqdm's releases. tqdm v4.66.3 stable cli: eval safety (fixes CVE-2024-34062, GHSA-g7vv-2v7x-gj9p) tqdm v4.66.2 stable pandas: add DataFrame.progress_map (#1549) notebook: fix...
