animaide copied to clipboard
Blender 4 Fixes
This PR addresses the following breaking changes:
- FCurve.update() now also deduplicates the F-Curve's keys
- blf.size() dpi argument has been removed
Undocumented in blender release notes?
- space_data.auto_snap has been removed, it is now scene.tool_settings.use_snap_anim
- More work may be needed if backwards compatibility is a requirement
- Not all animaide functionality has been tested
It works flawlessly, thanks @augmero!
Thank you so much @augmero !!
Hello @augmero ! Can you please take a look at the issue that appear in Blender 4.1 if you will have time... AnimOffset is really must have feature in my animation process. Huge thank you!
When I instal this branch, by clicking here:
then Code > download as zip, I don't have the curve tools, which is what I use animaid for (and anim offset)
is it normal, was is removed from this 4.0+ branch ?
The main branch doesn't work at all in 4.0+ I think ?
here is the main branch in3.6:
and this 4 branch in 4.0:
thanks for any help, animaid is so crucial for any blender animator, crazy someone hasn't continued development, even as a paid addon.
I don't have the curve tools, which is what I use animaid for (and anim offset) is it normal, was is removed from this 4.0+ branch ? The main branch doesn't work at all in 4.0+ I think ?
Not sure why it worked in 3.6 there was probably some bpy change, I enabled the existing ANIMAIDE_PT_curve_tools_de class in the most recent commit. It was already working in graph editor but curve tools now appears in timeline & dope sheet for me and seems to work, I did not test thoroughly.
Wow thanks, on my end curve tool was not appearing even in the graph editor. But where can I download your changes/commit ?
Git Hub interface is a bit wildly complex, I spent a lot of time already to find this whole "pull request section" that mentionned blender 4. Would there be a way to make this new version of animaid for blender 4 accessible more easily, like a couple of clicks away from a google search ? Because even if I find it now, I won't find it again in the future, and i've already downloaded hundreds of addon from GitHUb, while most animators are not developers I guess. Maybe doing a whole other animaid fork or something ? or merging to the main branch or something ? i'm not even sure I clicked in the correct place (code > download as zip, on your 4 branch that was very hard to find for a non-dev like me) Many thanks for the help !
edit: I think I found it, for next people here, clicking "commit" top of this page here:
, then this icon on the last commit:
Then code > download as zip
Thanks !
And yes !!! it works !!! curve tools in blender 4.1 !
This should absolutely be pushed to the main branch, as I was convinced Animaid was dead !! and took a lot of perseverance to find your work reviving it here, hidden in the "pull requests" @augmero is that something only @aresdevo can do ? Thanks again !!
where can I download your changes/commit ?
No need to go to a specific commit, as long as you are on this page the download as zip should work.
merging to the main branch or something
I guess this PR branch has been the somewhat maintained version for a while now, I'm not sure what the best course of action is. Yes aresdevo has repo ownership but they no longer have time to look at PRs and things as mentioned here
I use this addon in my own workflow so have just been fixing things if I run into them or others find them, I have not reached out to make it more official. Thanks for pointing this out btw it's very convenient to have curve tools in dope sheet 😂