react-native-onboarding-screens copied to clipboard
A simple onboarding screens flow to an app. Built with React Native, Expo and Reanimated.
A simple onboarding screens flow to an app. Built with React Native, Expo and Reanimated.
Features | Technologies | Installation
:star: Features
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Some key features are:
- Gesture controls
- Smooth animations
The application is built using React Native with Expo framework. The entire codebase is written using Typescript.
:keyboard: Technologies
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This is what I used and learned with this project:
- [x] React Native
- [x] Expo
- [x] Reanimated
- [x] Typescript
:computer_mouse: Installation
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To use this project, first you need NodeJS installed in your device, then you can follow the commands below:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd react-native-onboarding-screens
# Install dependencies for the application
yarn install
# To start the development server, run the following command
yarn start
# You start the emulator following the terminal instructions or:
yarn start android # for android emulator
yarn start ios # for ios emulator
:man_technologist: Author
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Build by Flávio Arêas 👋 Get in touch!