
Results 17 comments of ardy20

Hello Jacques Which script should be used for protein extract and what the input file should be in: Should this be: -g infile.gff -f infile.fasta -t exon --merge...

Dear Developer I followed your guidelines and this time AGAT worked perfectly. Thanks for this useful toolbox. One more question, Is there any tool that can polish the gft file...

Can we use more threads for a speedy process? I am trying to merge the blast results to my gff file that I already combined the interproscan inside. However, the...

Hi OK, Thanks. I installed via conda and then updated agat to version 9. The data base that I use in the following script is uniprot.fasta protein file directly downloaded...

Yes, The uniparc_active.fasta is the uniprot fasta file that I downlaided from uniprot database. Then I indexed it in another folder using diamondp then I used diamond (comparable to blastp)...

Hello Robert Any progress or update to create .gfa output by Racon?

Do you have any plan to include repeat modeller?