ArduinoModbus copied to clipboard
Programming issue? timeout without delay within the code
My sketch below is based on the Kitchen Sink example.
If I run the code with delay(5)
at the beginning and at the end of the loop, everything is working fine, without I am running into timeout issue during readInputRegisterValues();
Any idea what is wrong with my code or is this a bug?
Slave settings: Baud rate: 9600 Parity bits: None
Modbus RTU Client Kitchen Sink
This sketch creates a Modbus RTU Client and demonstrates
how to use various Modbus Client APIs.
- MKR board
- MKR 485 shield
- ISO GND connected to GND of the Modbus RTU server
- Y connected to A/Y of the Modbus RTU server
- Z connected to B/Z of the Modbus RTU server
- Jumper positions
- FULL set to OFF
- Z \/\/ Y set to ON
created 18 July 2018
by Sandeep Mistry
#include <ArduinoRS485.h> // ArduinoModbus depends on the ArduinoRS485 library
#include <ArduinoModbus.h>
int counter = 0;
byte readModbus1 = 0;
byte writeModbus1 = 0;
void setup() {
while (!Serial)
Serial.println("Modbus RTU Client Kitchen Sink");
// start the Modbus RTU client
if (!ModbusRTUClient.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1)) {
Serial.println("Failed to start Modbus RTU Client!");
while (1)
void loop() {
if ((bitRead(readModbus1, 0) == 0) && (bitRead(readModbus1, 1) == 0) && (bitRead(readModbus1, 2) == 0) && (bitRead(readModbus1, 3) == 0) && (bitRead(readModbus1, 4) == 0) && (bitRead(readModbus1, 5) == 0) && (bitRead(readModbus1, 6) == 0) && (bitRead(readModbus1, 7) == 0)) {
ModbusRTUClient.beginTransmission(01, COILS, 0x00, 8);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (!ModbusRTUClient.endTransmission()) {
Serial.print(F("failed!1 "));
} else {
if (bitRead(readModbus1, 0) == 1) {
Serial.println(F("Bit3 ist gesetzt"));
if ((bitRead(readModbus1, 0) == 1) || (bitRead(readModbus1, 1) == 1) || (bitRead(readModbus1, 2) == 1) || (bitRead(readModbus1, 3) == 1) || (bitRead(readModbus1, 4) == 1) || (bitRead(readModbus1, 5) == 1) || (bitRead(readModbus1, 6) == 1) || (bitRead(readModbus1, 7) == 1)) {
writeModbus1 = bitWrite(writeModbus1, 0, 1); //Update of relevant bits
writeModbus1 = bitWrite(writeModbus1, 2, 1); //Update of relevant bits
writeModbus1 = bitWrite(writeModbus1, 7, 1); //Update of relevant bits
ModbusRTUClient.beginTransmission(01, COILS, 0x00, 8); //Start Modbus communication
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
ModbusRTUClient.write(bitRead(writeModbus1, i)); //writes full byte on the Modbus
if (!ModbusRTUClient.endTransmission()) {
Serial.print(F("failed!2 "));
} else {
void readInputRegisterValues() {
Serial.print("Reading input register values ... ");
// read 10 discrete input values from (slave) id 42,
if (!ModbusRTUClient.requestFrom(1, DISCRETE_INPUTS, 0x00, 8)) {
Serial.print("failed!3 ");
} else {
while (ModbusRTUClient.available()) {
readModbus1 =;
What are you communicating with? Check this forum post for an explanation on getting Modbus between two Arduino boards:
Hi, I used a teensy 4.1 as Master and SGI0B08 (8DI 8DO by eletechsup). This is a simple Digital Input and Output card. Strange is, that everything is working fine in case delay(5) is within the code.
I will check the link you posted and scan for hints which could solve my problem. Thank you.