Results 139 issues of Arda TANRIKULU

`subscriptions-transport-ws` has been deprecated in favor of `graphql-ws`. This PR replaces `graphql-ws` with `subscriptions-transport-ws`

This package should support the scenerio when the project doesn't include any `webpack.config`, it should automatically generate a configuration file for webpack in order to support zero-configuration like Meteor aims.


Based on

What I realized in Yoga benchmarks, existing LRU cache implementations are blocking the event loop for set/clear operations. With the usage of `queueMicrotask`, we can push those operations at the...

New `@graphql-tools/resolvers` package. This package is useful for attaching resolver to the plain non executable schemas created with `buildSchema` of `graphql-js`. Compared to `addResolversToSchema`, it doesn't run additional heal processes...