graphql-mesh copied to clipboard
the imports are not properly generated for `customFetch` which fail running in docker environment
I am using customFetch
and additionalEnvelopPlugins
with scripts pointing in my src
as shown below.
everything works fine locally, but when I am doing docker build, I am getting import path error for customFetch
This works in local run i.e, npm run dev
but when dockerized and run, it is failing with path issues for customFetch
Workaround: I have to use this during docker build to make it work. (obviously not going to work for local run)
Note: additionalEnvelopPlugins
has no issues.
I think the root cause is how imports are generated in .mesh/index.ts
Could you create a reproduction repo? Thanks!
FROM node:19-alpine as runtime
# install pnpm
RUN corepack enable; corepack prepare [email protected] --activate
# clean install dependencies, no devDependencies, no prepare script
COPY .npmrc package.json pnpm-lock.yaml .meshrc.yml ./
RUN pnpm fetch --prod --unsafe-perm --ignore-scripts --unsafe-perm
RUN pnpm install -r --offline --prod
COPY . .
RUN pnpm build
RUN pnpm prune --prod --no-optional
### stage_final
FROM as final
USER nonroot
ENV NODE_ENV production
ENTRYPOINT ["/nodejs/bin/node"]
COPY --from=runtime --chown=nonroot:nonroot /app/.mesh ./.mesh
COPY --from=runtime --chown=nonroot:nonroot /app/config ./config
COPY --from=runtime --chown=nonroot:nonroot /app/src ./src
COPY --from=runtime --chown=nonroot:nonroot /app/tsconfig.json ./tsconfig.json
COPY --from=runtime --chown=nonroot:nonroot /app/package.json ./package.json
COPY --from=runtime --chown=nonroot:nonroot /app/node_modules ./node_modules
CMD ["node_modules/@graphql-mesh/cli/cjs/bin.js", "start"]
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "dist",
"skipLibCheck": true,
"target": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"module": "commonjs",
"lib": ["esnext"],
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"esModuleInterop": true
"include": ["src"],
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Could you create a repo so we can run and reproduce?
@ardatan sorry for the delay. here is the repo to reproduce this issue
To reproduce error, run:
git clone
cd graphql-mesh-specific
pnpm i
pnpm build
pnpm start
💥 🕸️ Mesh Error: Cannot find module './src/middleware/custom-fetch.ts'
Require stack:
- /graphql-mesh-specific/.mesh/index.ts
This should work without error
pnpm dev
I debugged this a bit and the issue is basically here:
which then calls:
A very hacky fix:
const relativeModuleName = cross_helpers_1.path.isAbsolute(moduleName) ? (type === 'fetch' ? `../${name}` : moduleName ) : moduleName;
I don't have time to dedicate to finding all the ways this (or a better fix) could break things (i.e. a proper solution).
For now, I'll likely sed my way out of this but maybe this helps someone more knowleadgeable to fix this quicker.
Btw this doesn't only affect docker environments. This happens calling yarn run mesh build