Results 362 comments of Arda TANRIKULU

Yes good point! Created a PR for that;

> @graphql-mesh/...: 0.95.4 CLI controls this logic, and we don't have 0.95.x version for CLI yet. Could you check the version again?

Could you move the reproduction to CodeSandbox or StackBlitz? Thanks1

Not yet. I'll take a look when I have time. If anyone is interested in working on a fix, PRs are welcome in the meanwhile

How do we decide that connectionParams is changed?

GraphQL Mesh needs to know how requests and responses look like just like OpenAPI spec. Since there is no clear specification for postman collections about the request and response schemas,...

GraphQL Mesh is already able to generate schemas from the examples but even still postman collections are not required to have examples or schemas. So we cannot use them directly...

Could you explain more about your use case?

Thanks for the PR! Do you think we can add tests to prevent future regressions?