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RealLive Seen.txt
Great program: while surfing over at fuwa for solutions I came to find your program and it has RealLive support, which I need but the game I have doesn't have any .rl files, rather it has Seen.txt and upon using arc_conv to extract it, I got .txt files Which the program couldn't extract it. Am I doing something wrong or am I supposed to rename txt to .rl Would appreciate the help
arc_conv can only work for old RealLive games, here's RealLive's dev tool and guide for it, you can use this to extract Seen.txt properly
Oh didn't knew there was a guide for RLDev, but oh well even after doing the whole installation process I was stuck at installing other libraries since it looks like they're old as 2k4 and didn't get installed or errors, which was a bummer after doing the whole thing honestly, and at the end krpl didn't work either. Any better workaround?
Try renaming the files to .rl yes (or passing --format=reallive
on the command line)
Oh yes I did do that but I had an error like this "Found invalid data while decoding," got me to think if I did something wrong The game is らぶ撮りハレーション from hadashi, if that helps any
This one is from 9 years ago, I can't tell if this will work on new RealLive
@genzoq11 can you also send Seen.txt here?
Right so I didn't had Python installed on my console, had to do that and run the program but that failed too because of missing module and I did try to install module too but it did not help. Anyways here is the Seen.txt
I did a bit of check on the program with some ol' games of mine, they're based in RealLive engine. It works fine, extracts well and repacks the script well, but I am facing an issue with repacking the archive file Seen.txt. I extract it with arc_conv and repack with arc_conv but the game crashes when I run it. Checked on two games, はじめてのおるすばん and すぱっちゅ Could be a repack issue with arc_conv, but I have check that too with just unpacking and repacking, and it works. Might be an script repack issue, I am not sure. just some information, hope it helps
Maybe this can help
Well, looks like not even RLDev can disassemble the scripts from the Seen.txt you attached, which explains why VNTextPatch can't handle it either (I based my code on RLDev's). This means I'll probably have to go through the game's code myself to find out how this unknown script content works - which will no doubt take a while because RealLive has by far the messiest script format of the bunch.
Please let me know which game the Seen.txt is from... Just don't expect an update any time soon.
Oh yes I did do that but I had an error like this "Found invalid data while decoding," got me to think if I did something wrong The game is らぶ撮りハレーション from hadashi, if that helps any
I see, that's completely fine with me. And yes, as marked by Cosettio, the game is Lovedori Halation from Hadashi *product link But a note: The game crashes with repacked scripts, I tried with 2 old RealLive games. Hope you can check on that too!
Somehow I believe I found the devtool of RealLive lastest, you can get it here. The original script of RealLive should be in RealLiveMax_SDK_20111129_006\RealLive開発環境\◇00_開発環境\org and tool for Seen.txt should be Tpc2000max.exe
Been a while since last time, Any new updates on this now?
@arcusmaximus any news?