About the text drawing, as far as I can tell, [`DrawingBackend::draw_text`]( requires [`BackendTextStyle`]( to be implemented. But I don't think this is possible until Iced can calculate the text size.
I looked a bit more into it, a way to estimate text size is definitly needed since [`plotters_backend::BackendTextStyle`]( supplies an anchorpoint and without the textsize I can't calculate the [top...
> So I am wondering if the RefCell works in this case? I didn't think of that, it does indeed seem like it works. Thanks! For a complete OrbTk backend,...
Text rotation/translation has been added to OrbTk. The backend should work now, besides only supporting self supplied fonts.
What is the next step in getting interactivity working and what can be done to help?
For `SocketAddrXdp`, the [`sendmsg`]( and [`recvmsg`]( implementations in the kernel currently don't make use of the file descriptor or `SocketAddrXdp` in general. Only the `msghdr`, in particular the flag(s) (`MSG_DONTWAIT`)...
You are correct, the Apache-2.0 license file should not be modified, my bad. Without any form of copyright notice, I'm unsure how the copyright is assigned when using this project...