arco-cli copied to clipboard
vite init fail.
Describe the bug vite init robot-front
arco init robot-front
___ ____ _
/ | ______________ / __ \___ _____(_)___ _____
/ /| | / ___/ ___/ __ \/ / / / _ \/ ___/ / __ `/ __ \
/ ___ |/ / / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / __(__ ) / /_/ / / / /
/_/ |_/_/ \___/\____/_____/\___/____/_/\__, /_/ /_/
? 请选择你希望使用的技术栈 React ? 请选择所要创建项目的类型 Arco Pro 项目 ? 请选择你想要使用的开发框架 Vite ( ? 请选择 Arco Pro 模板 简单版(只包含一个基础页面)
正在初始化项目于 E:\works\robots\robot-front
✔ 获取项目模板成功
✖ 模板内容拷贝失败
Error: spawnSync npm.cmd EINVAL
at Object.spawnSync (node:internal/child_process:1124:20)
at spawnSync (node:child_process:876:24)
at module.exports (C:\Users\冯征.arco_template_cache\1723451754126\node_modules\arco-design-pro.arco-cli\init.js:18:31)
at D:\dev\pnpm\global\5.pnpm\[email protected]\node_modules\arco-cli-create-project\lib\index.js:129:23
at (
Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir 'C:\Users\冯征.arco_template_cache\1723451754126\node_modules\arco-design-pro'
at Object.rmdirSync (node:fs:1215:11)
at rmdirSync (D:\dev\pnpm\global\5.pnpm\[email protected]\node_modules\fs-extra\lib\remove\rimraf.js:264:13)
at rimrafSync (D:\dev\pnpm\global\5.pnpm\[email protected]\node_modules\fs-extra\lib\remove\rimraf.js:243:7)
at D:\dev\pnpm\global\5.pnpm\[email protected]\node_modules\fs-extra\lib\remove\rimraf.js:279:39
at Array.forEach (
Node.js v20.16.0
My operating system is win11, and my username contains Chinese characters. The above error may be caused by the path where the temporary file was created during the initialization of the arco project contains Chinese characters. It is recommended that arco cli add an option to configure the historical file storage path for project initialization, or just place temporary files in the current directory.