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Tracking: Auto Responses page
- [x] Implement auto response fetching using old API
- [x] Consider integrating with new pool-based API?
- [ ] Add data grid component
Data Grid wishlist
- [ ] Single-click cell editing
- [x] Disable cell selection
- [ ] Text-based fuzzy filters and numeric filters (hide-able with switch)
- [x] Context menu to delete
- [x] View density
- [x] Row selection
- [x] Batch deletion via pop-up header (replace filter view/view density?)
- [ ] Row creation
- [ ] Reach: info pane popup on the right openable with context menu action with additional info for auto response (i.e. author, date, id, trigger history (connect with logs?), trigger method, current count)
Additional UX items
- [ ] Hover on editable inputs having background
- [ ] Syntax highlighting
- [ ] Loading indicators on cells once edited
- [ ] Row disabling during loading/deletion
- [ ] Regex syntax highlighting
- [ ] Emoji display
- [ ] role/channel/mention displays/pool resolution, use skeleton indicator and pool with inline component
- [ ] openable side panel
- [ ] change spacing of context menu
- [ ] add the add row modal (should it be a modal if it's just two fields => maybe just things at the bottom?)