archcraft-hyprland icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
archcraft-hyprland copied to clipboard

// Configuration : Hyprland


Hyprland Video

The ultimate Hyprland configuration (A Desktop Environment Like Experience)


Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.

  • Operating System : Archcraft
  • Window Manager : Hyprland
  • Status Bar : Waybar
  • Launcher : Wofi
  • Session Manager : Wlogout
  • Notifications : Mako
  • Terminal : Foot
  • File Manager : Thunar
  • Text Editor : Geany
  • Web Browser : Firefox


  • Get the files from : Ko-fi :coffee: Why Paid
  • Extract The file hyprland.tar.gz with : tar -xzvf hyprland.tar.gz
  • If you are using Archcraft as your OS, You can just install one of the provided package with : sudo pacman -U archcraft-hyprland-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst or sudo pacman -U archcraft-hyprland-catppuccin-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst whichever style you like.
  • If you want to install this setup on Arch Linux or on any other distro, follow the points below :
    • Install the following programs on your computer: hyprland, swaybg swayidle swaylock wlroots wl-clipboard waybar wofi foot mako grim slurp wf-recorder light yad thunar geany mpv mpd mpc viewnior imagemagick xfce-polkit xorg-xwayland
    • After installing programs above, Create hypr directory in ~/.config : mkdir -p ~/.config/hypr
    • Copy Everything from dotfiles/STYLE to ~/.config/hypr : cp -r ./dotfiles/dark/* ~/.config/hypr/
    • Logout and login to your amazingly configured Hyprland WM.

If you don't want to build hyprland, You can install compiled hyprland binaries provided in dotfiles/hypr-bin

sudo install -Dm 755 dotfiles/hypr-bin/hyprctl /usr/bin/hyprctl
sudo install -Dm 755 dotfiles/hypr-bin/Hyprland /usr/bin/Hyprland
sudo install -Dm 755 dotfiles/hypr-bin/ /usr/lib/
sudo install -Dm 644 dotfiles/hypr-bin/hyprland.desktop /usr/share/wayland-sessions/hyprland.desktop


Install the following theme, icon pack, cursors and fonts for overall appearance.

Config Structure

└── hypr              : Hyprland config directory
    ├── foot          : Terminal config
    ├── mako          : Notification daemon config
    │   └── icons     : Notification icons
    ├── scripts       : Various scripts for functionality
    ├── wallpapers    : Wallpapers
    ├── waybar        : Statusbar config
    ├── wlogout       : Wlogout config
    │   └── icons     : Session icons
    ├── wofi          : Launcher config
    └── hyprland.conf : Hyprland config file


Keys Action
super + Return Open terminal
super + shift + Return Open floating terminal
super + alt + Return Open terminal with selected geometry
super + T Open full-screen terminal with big fonts
super + shift + F Open file manager
super + shift + E Open text editor
super + shift + W Open web browser
super + D Run app launcher
super + X Run powermenu
super + N Open network manager
super + P Run colorpicker
super + C/Q Kill active window
ctrl + alt + L Run lockscreen
ctrl + alt + Delete Exit Hyprland instantly
super + F Toggle fullscreen mode
super + Space Toggle floating mode
super + S Toggle pseudo mode
super + Left Change focus to the left container
super + Right Change focus to the right container
super + Up Change focus to the upper container
super + Down Change focus to the lower container
super + shift + Left Move container to the left side
super + shift + Right Move container to the right side
super + shift + Up Move container to the upper side
super + shift + Down Move container to the lower side
super + 1,2..9 Change workspace/tag from 1 to 9
super + shift + 1,2..9 Move active container to repective workspace/tag


Dark Version

Desktop (wofi) Floating Tiled Thunar, Geany Wlogout
hypr hypr hypr hypr hypr

Catppuccin Version

Desktop (wofi) Floating Tiled Thunar, Geany Wlogout
hypr hypr hypr hypr hypr


See Also

archcraft-sway archcraft-wayfire archcraft-river archcraft-newm
Sway Wayfire River Newm