I accidentally imported a my-ublock-static-filters.txt instead of my-umatrix-rules.txt, nothing happened. I.e. the rules didn't change and no error message was displayed, meaning I could have overlooked the fact that I...
I have noticed that sometimes (roughly once every 10 to 20 times I'd guess, but I haven't made the real statistics), the display of screenfetch is "broken", i.e. misaligned, doubled...
"CPU: Intel Core i7-7700 @ 8x 4.2GHz [27.8°C]" The 27.8 celsius temperature is the temperature of a non connected sensor in my pc, which is stuck on 27.8 forever. It...
I installed wishlist with pip (using the --user parameter so the installation isn't system-wide, only local, i.e. for my user). I can successfully set the name of the (private) wishlist....