Aravind NC
Aravind NC
Is the issue happening with TS version ?
@ErickCincoAyon English please!
@ErickCincoAyon Appreciate it. Thank you.
@solancer I guess it can be due to your mongoose-autopopulate plugin usage. I'm not sure though.
@keystroke99 Aggregate output already 'lean'ed. I'm not sure if that can be send as Mongoose objects.
Sorry I'm not managing the TS version.
@bulolo You should provide more info to debug.
That's weird. I will take a look in detail.
@bulolo Remove below customLabels from your code and try again. ``` page: false, nextPage: false, prevPage: false, totalPages: false, pagingCounter: false, meta: false, hasPrevPage: false, hasNextPage: false, ``` Do not...