next-translate copied to clipboard
Locales loaded, but missing key for namespace error (for all keys)
I am unable to get any of the translations working -- for all {key} and {ns}, get this error:
[next-translate] "{key}" is missing in current namespace configuration. Try adding "{key}" to the namespace "{ns}".
next: ^12.0.8 next-translate: ^1.3.3
modules.export = {
locales: ['nb', 'nn', 'en'],
defaultLocale: 'nb',
loadLocaleFrom: (lang, ns) =>
import(`./public/locales/${lang}/${ns}.json`).then((m) => m.default),
pages: {
'*': ['common', 'header', 'mainMenu'],
'/': ['welcome'],
// some more
import i18nConfg from '../../i18n';
// MyApp
export default appWithI18n(MyApp, i18nConfig);
const Index = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation('welcome');
return (
export default Index
"title": "Velkommen",
"welcomeText": "Dette er din hjemmside"
Messages: next-translate - compiled page: / - locale: nb - namespaces: common, header, mainMenu, welcome - used loader: getInitialProps
console error:
[next-translate] "welcome:title" is missing in current namespace configuration. Try adding "title" to the namespace "welcome".
[next-translate] "welcome:welcomeText" is missing in current namespace configuration. Try adding "welcomeText" to the namespace "welcome".
what am I doing wrong ?
consequently, when i try to load an array with returnObjects: true
i invariably get undefined and {...}.map is not a function
I noticed a message saying I do not need to wrap _app.tsx with appWithI18n
as I am using the default webpack loader. So I have removed that now.
I also moved all my translation bundles to /locales/{locale}/{ns}.json
. But still get the same error.
module.exports = {
locales: ['nb', 'nn', 'en'],
defaultLocale: 'nb',
pages: {
'*': ['common', 'header', 'mainMenu'],
'/': ['welcome'],
/// more
const MyApp = ({ Component, PageProps }) => { ... };
export default MyApp;
const Index = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation('welcome');
return (
"title": "Velkommen",
"welcomeText": "Dette er din hjemmeside"
Console error message: [next-translate] "welcome:title" is missing in current namespace configuration. Try adding "title" to the namespace "welcome". [next-translate] "welcome:welcomeText" is missing in current namespace configuration. Try adding "welcomeText" to the namespace "welcome".
We are blocked by this right now.. will greatly appreciate if someone can help with this.
Our problem, we have moved from next-i18next was the field "keySeparator" in the config. It defaults to '.' and we hade ':' before. Added the line keySeparator: ':' in the i18.js and then it worked.
We dont use the webpack-loader though, use the provider and loadNamesspaces because we need to set it up in runtime.
module.exports = {
defaultLocale: 'en-GB',
locales: ['en-US', 'en-GB'],
loadLocaleFrom: (lang, ns) => import(`./locales/${lang}/${ns}.json`).then((m) => m.default),
pages: {
'*': ['common', 'label', 'button', 'input'],
'/': ['search']
module.exports = {
defaultLocale: 'en-GB',
locales: ['en-US', 'en-GB'],
loadLocaleFrom: (lang, ns) => import(`./locales/${lang}/${ns}.json`).then((m) => m.default),
keySeparator: ':',
pages: {
'*': ['common', 'label', 'button', 'input'],
'/': ['search']
You dont have any deeper nesting in your example though. Without the loadLocaleFrom but thats probably because we use loadNameSpaces.
appWithI18n(MyApp as NextComponentType, {
loader: false,
skipInitialProps: true,
loaderName: 'getInitialProps'
Index page:
Index.getInitialProps = wrapper.getInitialPageProps((store) => async ({ query, req, res }) => {
/// code
return {
...(await loadNamespaces({ locale: currentCulture, pathname: '/' }))
having the same problem. if the json file for one of the namespaces is missing all of them will become null
does not exist
pages: {
'*': ['common'],
'/': ['home'],
this will end up in:
but instead only home
should be null
@wuifdesign I guess that changing this catch to line 48 will fix this. Feel free to PR.
@prabu-ssb Here is how I solved the issued
// i18n.js
module.exports = {
locales: ['en', 'fr'], // Array with the languages that you want to use
defaultLocale: 'en', // Default language of your website
pages: {
"*": ["common"],
loader: true,
logBuild: true,
loggerEnvironment: "both",
loadLocaleFrom: (lang, ns) => import(`./public/locales/${lang}/${ns}.json`).then((m) => m.default),
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
import nextTranslate from 'next-translate-plugin';
const nextConfig = nextTranslate({
webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
if (!isServer) {
test: /\.svg$/,
issuer: /\.(js|ts)x?$/, // Modify this line
use: ['@svgr/webpack'],
return config;
export default nextConfig;
@AckonSamuel works perfectly! Thank you!